Our guide to help you know about the study abroad costs that you need to bear as an Indian student.

There is nothing like studying abroad and gaining the education credentials that set you apart from the league. But to earn a degree abroad, students have to bear different expenses. Read our guide to understand the efficient management of finances and budget planning. It includes all the expenses like accommodation, food, health coverage, communication, and travel. So let’s begin!

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Tuition fee

The primary expense that a student bears to study abroad is Tuition fees. The tuition fees you need to pay mostly depend on the program and the university or college you choose. Here's an overview of the tuition fee for different programs. To study abroad at a university, students are required.

Medical Insurance

We wish you always stay safe and healthy and ready for uncertain times. Medical insurance makes sure that you quickly meet medical emergency costs. Some universities view it as a prerequisite for enrollment, making it essential to have medical insurance.


The other expense you must bear as an international student is accommodation. Most academic institutes abroad provide on-campus residence options to international students. You can choose it or opt for off-campus accommodation options in which you share an apartment with a fellow. Rent charges for such an accommodation depend on where you prefer to live and the type of residence you choose.

Living expenses

There is no limit to what you can spend on yourself and your living style. In a new country, you sometimes need to keep pace with society and spend more than you desire. Before spending on other things, it is always best to keep track of the basic expenses, including grocery, communication expenses, stationery, utilities, social activities, and emergencies.